When Should You Service Your Boiler A Guide to Preventing Boiler Kettling with EcoFix

Your boiler is the unsung hero of your home, providing warmth and comfort during chilly months. To ensure its optimal performance and longevity, regular servicing is essential. In this article, we'll explore the importance of servicing your boiler, focusing on preventing a common issue known as "boiler kettling" and introducing the eco-friendly solution, EcoFix. Understanding Boiler Kettling: Boiler kettling is a phenomenon where your boiler produces a low rumbling or banging noise, similar to the sound of a kettle boiling. This occurrence is typically caused by a buildup of limescale and debris within the boiler's heat exchanger. Over time, these deposits can hinder the efficient transfer of heat, leading to decreased performance and potential damage to the boiler. The Importance of Regular Boiler Servicing: Efficiency and Performance: Regular servicing helps maintain the efficiency of your boiler by ensuring all components are clean and in optimal condition. This n...